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Haley & John — Minted




Wedding Party

Ariel Fuller

Maid of Honor

High School is where it all began with Ariel. She's the one who is like a sister - fiercely loyal and always willing to give an unsolicited opinion. She's been my rock since Westminster and going through planning our weddings together has made the process so much more fun.

Sipping Mezcal in Cabo

Valerie Tanella Bassett

Matron of Honor

First a sorority sister then a roommate for three years in Dallas, Valerie quickly became one of my best friends and Sunday night dinner co-host. She has been my power walking partner, made me (even more) organized, helped me grow in my Christian faith, shared my love of travel, and kept me grounded from day one.

Wine tasting in Napa

Caroline Conway


Caroline and I have been friends since middle school. Weekends blaring our favorite country music and wakeboarding at Lake Lanier and Lake Burton are some of my favorite memories. Now she is a new dog mom and our conversations are more about dog training tactics or her filling me in on some major Atlanta happening I somehow missed, but I cherish every moment when we manage to overlap in the same city.

Celebrating Christmas in Atlanta

Hanna Anderson Evans


Hanna stumbled into my life through mutual friends when she moved to Dallas as has been a constant source of encouragement ever since. We are always sharing new spots in Dallas, the latest online shopping sale, or comparing how our business school experiences are similar and different and I truly value her friendship.

Shopping in Scottsdale (Hanna's bachelorette!)

Kelsey O'Leary


Not many people can say their friendship blossomed over Skype messaging at work and "work" trips, but Kelsey and I can. First my international travel buddy at Bain and now the person who keeps me sane (despite an equally as hectic calendar) at Kellogg, I'm so glad to have Kelsey across the street from me in Dallas and Evanston the past five years.

Catamaraning in Cartagena

Katie Williamson


Sometimes I think God led Katie into my life to be the twin I never knew I had. Growing up in Atlanta, working at Bain, signing up for crazy half Ironmans, scheduling an absurd amount of travel, enjoying healthy cooking, and strategically planning new restaurant visits are just a few of the things we have in common. I'm so glad we have had the opportunity to spend so much time together at Kellogg.

Skiing in Jackson Hole

Kendal Johnson


It all began when I pledged Tri Delta and Kendal was "assigned" to be my Big Sister, but we wouldn't have had it any other way. From then on, Kendal was with me at everything from long weekends studying in the Cox library to late nights at Homebar. Even when she moved back to LA for a short stint (the trip where I convinced her to move back to Dallas is pictured below), we kept in touch through spontaneous FaceTime wine nights.

Singing karaoke in Dallas

Taylor Jackson


Taylor is one of the most positive people I know. She is always willing to lend a helping hand without being asked and I truly value that quality. No matter what is going on, Taylor leverages problem solving from her engineering background and manages to stay centered despite how many things she is juggling. I can't wait to be back in Dallas to go on double dates with her!

Hiking in Aspen

David LeMoine

Best Man

David is the only person I call more than Haley or my Momma. He is my high school buddy and fellow CrossFit cult member.

Posing before David and Molly's wedding in Madison

Alexander Anderson


Alex is my Gauge buddy and total deal hound.

Skiing in Aspen

Sean Carney


Sean is my older cousin and childhood role model. He's busy researching applied mathematics now.

Celebrating St. Patty's in Dallas

Ilan Dreyfuss


Ilan and I became close by force when our twin beds in the fraternity house were uncomfortably close at Wash U.

Sipping wine in Slovakia

Sean Himel


Sean was our high school's Valedictorian...but we all know he shirked the system by transferring sophomore year. (I'm not sour or anything).

Enjoying the sun in Seaside

Jonathan Maloney


Jonathan and I once upon a time evaded police (and maybe got caught once or twice) on a notorious golf cart named "Big Bertha." He was my partner in crime in high school.

Reconnecting in Atlanta

Dave Matthews


Dave is my Bain buddy that brought Haley and I together and fellow Vols fan from Knoxville.

Cheering the Vols to a bowl win in Jacksonville

Connor Stutts


Connor is my Dallas pool companion (and future brother-in-law). Haley is lucky Connor's and my time in Dallas without her was only a few months.

Making fun of Haley in Atlanta

Patty Beadle


Patty has officiated many weddings over the years and received her Masters in Divinity from the United and Luther Seminary the same day John proposed to Haley. In addition to being Haley's aunt, Patty has been a close mentor and friend throughout Haley's life and as she has gotten to know John. We are so glad to have her leading the ceremony before God on our special day.

Miles & Henry Overholser

Ring Bearers

We have had the privilege of watching Miles and Henry (Haley's cousin's sons) mature into young gentlemen over the past few years. From wild dance moves to pool days and baseball, these boys never cease to make us laugh and hope that one day (in the distant future) we can have kids as incredible as they are. We are so sad that they recently moved further away to Minnesota, but are so excited to be with them on our wedding day.

Dakota Carney

Flower Girl

Dakota joined our home on 9/12/22 with 201 days to train for her big day as flower girl when her pawrents get married. We are so excited to raise her together. She is constantly hopping around trying to bop her friends, then running into something or falling over nothing. It's safe to say she keeps us laughing all day long!

Lola & Lexi Stutts

Dogs of Honor

Lexi and Lola have been a central part of our relationship since the beginning and we couldn't imagine our special day without them. We send daily pictures of them to each other with comical captions and knew early on that we would someday need to have a niece for them (Dakota). Having them come live with us in Evanston for a few months really sealed the deal that we couldn't be completely happy without our own English golden as well. We are still trying to convince Haley's parents to let them come stay with us again!